Saturday, April 12, 2014

Warm Air

the furnace air

warms my face

a blush red,

her breath sweet

and quickening

#tanka #5lines

Waking Moment

in waking moment

of a guilty dream

I form a defense

to walk away

a free man

#tanka #5lines


as a child

he was

most social


in his room

#tanka #5lines

Monday, April 7, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chase (#TMMPoetry)

Lepus chases Orion

in pre-dawn sky

over the horizon,

I follow in my car

on the way to work


This was one of my Twitter poems written with the #TMMPoetry hashtag in honor of National Poetry Month. I was honored to have it read on the NPR program Tell Me More during its Muses And Metaphors series. Here is a link to the program muses-and-metaphor-kicks-off-national-poetry-month