the questions make it
why else do we
wipe our feet
on the welcome mat of
a warm sand shore
look through an ocean
of everything
waiting without taking
a step
lest we drown in ambiguities
seeing if the distance
between the ends
has squeezed together
the back door
becomes the front door and
we pass through
an amusement park
where barkers bark
the challenge of a mental game
step up and give the answer
we pay whatever they ask
throw whatever they place
in our hands
so we do quick calculations
and throw
and recalculate
an imagined success
and the over-sized prize
of a fuzzy bear stuffed with
every answer from
a foreign shore
plastic rings spin above
to and from glass bottle
to glass bottle
never choking
their empty necks
answers bounce
making a wonderful ping
delighting the ears but
throw as many rings
as you like
it's rigged
the angle's wrong
the rings are undersized
the words were poured out
before you ever got up that morning
leaving an empty space
of swarming motions
to anything that would take
the need of
our questions