Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chase (#TMMPoetry)

Lepus chases Orion

in pre-dawn sky

over the horizon,

I follow in my car

on the way to work


This was one of my Twitter poems written with the #TMMPoetry hashtag in honor of National Poetry Month. I was honored to have it read on the NPR program Tell Me More during its Muses And Metaphors series. Here is a link to the program muses-and-metaphor-kicks-off-national-poetry-month


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks T. It was a most welcome treat. Thanks for reading.

  2. Holy cow! That is so cool! Thanks for the link. I love this poem.(Orion is the only constellation I can ever find with both certainty and accuracy.)

    1. Thanks Heidi. I was on vacation when I received a message from the show's producer. It really was a happy surprise.
